
Why, hello there. My name is Lisa, but almost everyone calls me Lis. I am the wife to Kevin and future mama to the little growing inside of me. I just finished up my master's degree in New Media Journalism through Full Sail University. I love to sing, dance, play the piano, read, play board games, play games on my iPhone, sleep in late and eat lots of ice cream. By trade, I am a writer and photographer, always trying to learn more. By hobby, I attempt crafting and cooking fabulous meals (at least I like to think so). My goal in life is to find joy every day from the most simple things and aspects. If you hand me lemons, I'll hand you lemonade back . . . promise. Life is hard, and we're going to work through it one step at a time.

My suggestion: Start with staying in your PJs and grab a cup of hot chocolate. Now, don't you feel all nice and cozy? So happy to have you along for the journey!

happy joyful day

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