Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday Topics: Four sites I check daily

My husband Kevin sent this to me. I definitely make his life more colorful and organized. :)
Besides your standard, Facebook, Gmail, Twitter. . . which I'm totally addicted to. . .

1. nytimes.com
You guessed it, I love my news and have been reading the Times since the first time I went to New York. I love New York and the Times is part of that. Monday nights, David Brooks comes out with his column for the week. And the digital subscription that you have to pay for now? Totally worth it.

2. Cup of Jo
I know, cheater answer because it's another blog. But it's one I check on every time I open the computer without fail. Joanna's tips and sweet spirit is something that I adore.

3. Pinterest
Again, cheater answer because it's social media. Who doesn't go on Pinterest these days? Too many ideas and quotes to not be addicted. When I'm in need of a quick pick-me-up for something inspiring, Pinterest is my go-to. You can follow me here.

4. Oh Happy Day
Okay, another blog. See how society has made me a social media person? Just seeing the yellow banner on this blog makes me smile. Oh wait, we also get to read amazing craft tutorials? Sold.

What are your favorite sites? I probably spend too much time online these days . . .

Here's a funny fact, I still prefer paper books and magazines. I'm in Barnes and Noble at least once a week if not more (especially thanks to my mom who renewed my membership rewards card :) !


The shirt photo above was found on Google+

The Austin Family Diary


  1. I LOVE BARNES & NOBLE!! <3 💗

    I check your blog too, but like you I am addicted to Twitter too. LOL!

  2. That shirt is awesome!

    And, shhhh...don't tell anyone but I love real books, too!

    Visiting from Tuesday Topics!



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