Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 18: Send a postcard

Happy Friday dears! I'm excited that it's finally the weekend and hopefully, I'll be well enough to get out for a little bit. Today, I'd like all of us to meet Lyla and she is a wonderful mama from New York City. Her blog is filled with great products to make parenting easier. My favorite post is best NYC books for kids (they will definitely be on this future mama's list). Make sure you follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram to not miss a beat.

Greetings Happy Joyful Day readers!  I'm Lyla from Globetrotting Mommy and I'm thrilled to be guest posting for Lisa today.

I love to get mail. Always have and always will. My grandparents used to send me new dollar bills with their letters and postcards from their travels, my mom always sent great care packages during college and before the internet, my friends and I would write big long gossip-filled letters to each other. Oh how things have changed . . .

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned letter in your mailbox so for my 31 days of kindness guest post, I'm suggesting we all send a little love via postcard to someone near or far.

If you're feeling really kind you can make it a letter but for most of us with busy lives, a postcard will work perfectly!

Feeling crafty?  Make your own.  Feeling nostalgic?  Choose a vintage style.  Want to show off your kids?  Send a photo postcard.  The options are limitless.

Don't forget a pretty stamp.  These LOVE ones will add a dash of cheer and color.

Since I'm the Globetrotting Mommy, my daughter and I decided to send a vintage travel postcard to one of her friends.

Bon voyage postcard...hello, big fuzzy warm feeling!

Thank you Lyla! For years, I have collected post cards from all over the world! I thought I was the luckiest girl whenever someone sent me a postcard even if it was close by. I have never thrown a single one out and still have all of them tucked neatly in a box. What a great reminder and so easy to do!

Who needs a postcard from you? 


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