There's nothing like having a good moment go by when really, you weren't there. I think we're all guilty of this, myself included. You can be at the greatest event, but really you're connected. Meaning connected to your phone, e-mail, camera, book-- not in the moment.
Today I sat in the office of a woman who had been working for my company for years. It was interesting hearing her talk about how she started in my position and worked her way up. She couldn't believe that she had been with the company so long and was grateful that she had the opportunity to learn so much. She encouraged me to do the same.
She said maybe five times, "The number one thing is to take care of yourself. Enjoy right now."
Now the point to the above story is that I didn't come in that meeting with my laptop. I was hesitant about leaving it but I didn't carry it over to her office. These days, my fatigue has set in with a giant cold, so even lifting a laptop can seem strenuous at times.
I honestly don't think I would have paid attention or had really listened to her if I had my laptop. I would have been too busy checking email while she spoke and worried that I didn't have enough time to finish up projects.
I'm taking her advice and enjoying right now, disconnecting just a little bit more. Oh there's a time and a place to be connected, but it needs to be the right time.
I promise that people will the fact that you're taking the time to really invest in the relationship whether it be a co-worker, friend, aunt, grandfather, etc. Enjoy the moment that you have with them.
Enjoy what you have because who knows if tomorrow it will still be there.
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