Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day 30: Send a love note

Hello dears! I'm so thrilled to be having Carla from Alyssa and Carla posting for us today. I love these two girls and I'm happy to have both of them be a part of this project. Now moving on, today's kindness is so sweet! I'm afraid that I need to do this more often. We all need reminders that we're loved.

Have you ever had one of those really bad days? You know, where everything went wrong. Maybe you forgot to set an alarm and you got a hole in your tights and you missed the last seat on the train and your work email crashed before you could send a really, really important message to your boss.

We all have them.  

Now, think a little more about that time where you had a bad day- or even just a bad moment. Think beyond that moment, about what broke the spell- did a baby smile at you? Maybe a cashier was extra patient with you while you frantically worked your way through a transaction. Suddenly you didn't feel so bad anymore, just because someone had extended the smallest bit of kindness your way.

My (clearly amazing) friend Amber Adrian recently launched an initiative called "The World Needs More Love Notes." And it's BRILLIANT.  It's an easy idea, sparked by the passing of her father during a crazy, crazy year. You can hear more about her finding hundred dollar bills tucked in the pages of her father's books at this YouTube video, which is part of her Adventure Project series. It's a pretty incredible endeavor in total: choose your own adventures and make them happen. Spread love in every way you can. 

Even better, this one is absolutely a piece of cake to participate in. All you have to do is write a note (tag with #lovenotes if you'd like a chance to track!) and put it out into the world.

This is my first batch- the first words that I decided to plant around the world in search of a needy soul. Hoping that someone will find a note on a rough day is actually the worst case scenario- is there ever a time when you couldn't use a good thought and a kind word? It warms my heart to think of the good that will creep into someone's random find, the smile that will spread to their face.

My notes went out this morning: one tucked in between the spices at Trader Joe's. One set on the sill of an ATM. Another found a home on a waterfront bench and the last one accompanied me to a late night gym session, wedged between the weight plates on the leg press machine.

It's so easy, it's so big. Putting kindness out into the world, especially the kind that comes from the simple desire to share love and joy with everyone else out there (strangers or not), stretches the walls of your heart.  Suddenly you'll find ways to give more, to help more, to inspire more. It excites me to think of all the kindness I can bring to the world, and I truly love how tangible, easy and expansive this tiny project is toward that goal.  

Guess it's just another example of big things in small packages.

Thank you Carla! As I've said before, these dears are both so talented. I need to make this floral centerpiece for Thanksgiving! Be sure to follow them on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.  

Who needs a reminder that they are loved? 


1 comment:

  1. Hi I have just been blog surfing and landed here and discovered your 31 days of kindness project. I love it! Such simple things that anyone could take or make the time to do and the world would be a happier place! I am a firm believer that the smallest things make a difference. I love all your ideas but the love notes is one of my favourites! I will have to give it a go!!


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