Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We're expecting!

Kevin and I are so excited to announce that Baby Jones is due on April 4, 2014! We are beyond thrilled and overjoyed.

We've had our share of ups and downs, have been through infertility and even a miscarriage. So if you're experiencing any of that, my heart goes out to you.

We feel so blessed that it's finally our turn and were so amazed when we saw our growing baby during out ultrasound! It's taken us awhile to get this point but I am a full believer that things happen for a reason and they always happen at the right time.

I couldn't imagine a better time since I just recently graduated with my Master's and I was in the best of health when we found out. Before that time, I can't think of a time I was eating healthy and exercising. 

Now, I have constant morning sick (not just in the morning mind you). I hate being so sick, but Kevin has learned to go with the flow and we do things when I'm feeling good. Other times, he's fine just staying home watching movies on my not so good days. 

I've had to put him in charge of the cleaning. Please note: Our little apartment hasn't been sparkly clean since before I was pregnant but I've learned to take on my top three offenses (which ones make me sick) and ask for those to get done! It's the little things that count. :) 

I'll admit, there are days when it's extremely rough. All at the same time, I count my blessings and as long as I think good thoughts-- April will be here before I know it and we'll have a new healthy baby to cheer about!

Here's to Baby Jonesey!


  1. Congratulations Lisa! I couldn't be more happier for you! Hope the morning sickness subsides (I feel for you on that since I get it too) and can't wait to see pictures of your new little one in April!

  2. Congratulations! That is amazing news, I hope the morning (all day) sickness goes away soon. And April will be here before you know it like you said! ♥♥

  3. I'm sorry that you are so sick, Lisa! I hope the next 6 months go by fast for you! We are so happy for you guys! You will make amazing parents!

  4. Congratulations!!!! Such exciting news.

  5. Congratulations!! Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly from here on out! :)

  6. Congrats! I'm a newer follower and I'm excited to follow your journey :)

  7. Congratulations, that is so exciting!

  8. I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Congrats again and again!!


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