Friday, May 3, 2013

Many Thanks

from kellybarton shop
Lately, it seems I've been really quiet and here's a little bit about it. I've seen trials come and go in my short lifetime but I've never seen any of them add up to what it has been lately. Normally, it's just one area in my life that I'm struggling with or working on. But right now, it's everything. It has been pouring down and the sun hasn't come out to shine yet (oh, it will eventually).

What has amazed me the most is those who have helped step in to warm me up and keep me dry until the storm is over. We all need people like that in our lives to help us weather the storm. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. . .

I have learned how important it is to surround myself with good people. It always surprises me who will step in when I need it most. They are heaven sent angels in my opinion. I love each and every one of them dearly.

I only hope that I can be such a person to help someone through their stormy trials and listen with understanding.

"True friends are always together in spirit." -Anne Shirley 



  1. Hoping things get a little brighter where you are!!! Keep your head up friend!!!


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