Saturday, May 4, 2013

Weekend Links

Not enough words can explain how happy I am that it's the weekend! Today, I'm looking forward to seeing if I can find some good garage sale items. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Ever since we went to Central Park last weekend, I've been dying to get ready to have lots of picnics this summer. Here's what to wear from Joanna.

I love the idea of a basket for two filled with yummy cheeses and crackers on a warm day. While Kevin and I don't drink wine, we do love our Izzies!

I saw this book at Anthro and almost bought it because it made me think of my mom.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! A beautiful ode to ice cream.

Always add a touch of glitter!

Dream camera. On my someday list.

No rich child left behind. What are we doing for children who may not be rich?

Pocket is my new favorite app. I bet I'm the last person to know about this app, but it saves all my articles in one place so I can read it later whether I'm connected to the internet or not. It makes it handy to read saved articles on my phone while waiting in line.

Mint is my second favorite app. It's keeping me from over spending and honest by telling me where my money actually goes (I had a few wake up moments). Mint keeps track of all your money for you and will even remind you when your credit card payment is due. Genius. Here's to a better financial planning!

I want to start writing posts about gratitude. You should join me!

Happy weekend lovelies! I hope it's a good one!


P.S. Sweet dressed up dog photos from Smitten Studio. Too cute! I've always wanted a dog but would never dare have one while living in the middle of Philadelphia.

1 comment:

  1. the dogs pictures are so cute! :D

    That's a good idea about posting "gratitude."


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