Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday Topics: Bucket List

We're down to two and this is a hard one on just which two to pick! Here's what first came to my mind.

1. Kiss on top of the Empire State Building
There is something sweet about this building and two of the best romantic movies of all time. While I've been to New York several times (enough to where I've lost count), I've never been kissed at the top. 
Anyone remember this great scene?

2. Visit Africa on a Humanitarian Trip

I have always wanted to see this exotic country and help its people. I am always touched whether it's reading about this place or watching people go there to provide relief. Africa is in my heart.

Those are only two items of many! What are some of your hopes and dreams for the future? I'd love to know!

I'm pretty sure that I need to take some time to write all of my goals down soon to make them happen!



The top photo of the Empire State building is by Irene Kung. Her New York photograph collection is stunning.

The painting of Africa is from poppyandpinecone and they can paint a heart in on an a specific country.
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