Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday Topics: Why I Started Blogging

I started blogging back in college when I was a junior. My midterm project that fall semester and final project was to create a blog. I created two blogs, one about my personal life and the other about restaurants in Salt Lake (I ate out all the time back then). That's how I got into blogging. That's the short answer for now. Let's fast forward four years to when I started Happy Joyful Day and here's why.

Life is full of trials and my life seems to be full of them. At the time, there were many trials happening and I could barely handle all of them. I hardly smiled and didn't count my blessings when the sun shone on my face. I knew that being so unhappy was not the way to live a fulfilling life.

I realized that I needed an outlet to remind me to find joy. That's when I came up with the name Happy Joyful Day. I came to the realization that blogging was for me and that I could write about whatever I wanted. Every day happiness and simplicity is what this blog is supposed to be all about.

For every single day is a Happy Joyful Day that is not to be wasted.


The Austin Family Diary


  1. That's beautiful! What do you advice for when people go through so much trials that trying to be happy just feels like a dream and impossible to get?

  2. Stopping by to say hi and hope you had a great Memorial Day! :)


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