Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday Topics: Nine pictures of us together

I guess it's only appropriate since tomorrow we're officially celebrating our four year anniversary! Our anniversary was on the 22nd, but I've been way too busy with work and school to do much around here recently. It's going to be nice to take a break and make this week even shorter (since it was short already to begin with!).

If you're following along with Instagram. you've noticed over the weekend we've been in NYC and tomorrow we're headed back to go see Phantom. It'll be Kevin's first time. :)

Moving on to the pictures . . . you can tell we pretty much tell that we look the same in all of them but my hair color has changed through the years (it's naturally dark brown) . . .  I'm actually thinking about putting in some blonde for the summer . . .

These are in no particular order:

The one where we lived in Arizona and I got this crazy idea to take photos in the desert.

 The one where we went to Oregon to go visit my grandmother.

The one where we lived in Bountiful, Utah and took pictures on a cold, cloudy day at Main Street.

 The one where I dragged Kevin to meet Justin Hackworth and said, "No Chandler smiles!"

The one where I got the crazy idea to take our engagement photos at Antelope Island.

The one where we were married for time and all eternity.

The one where we were madly in love and partied all evening with some amazing people.

The one to today where Kevin came to NYC with me and we went to church. 
Happy four years love! I couldn't be happier and I love us!


Life. Love.Lauren


  1. happy anniversary!!! god bless you both always. :D

  2. Beautiful pictures! Your wedding pictures are gorgeous!

  3. Hope you have a lovely anniversary celebration weekend!!

  4. My faves are you two in AZ and that rainy one, but you guys look great in all of em!!!


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