Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday Topics: Seven American Cities I Want to Visit

Making this list makes me want to go on a road trip! (minus Hawaii, we have to take plane for that one). But here are seven cities that this well traveled American girl hasn't been to yet and would love to go see.

1. Boston, MA

All the history, food, lovely buildings . . . now that we're living on the east coast, we'll definitely be going here soon!

2. Savannah, GA

I want to simply go to Savannah for it's Southern charm. Isn't the photo above just dreamy? It's also the birth place of Juliette Gordon Low. Plus, don't forget all that great Southern food. 

3. Charlotte, NC

Anywhere in North Carolina would be worth the trip. Such a beautiful state. The main reason why I would go to Charlotte is to see family.

4. Chicago, IL

This city girl loves exploring new places and Chicago sounds like a good fit.

5. Honolulu, HI

Can anyone say beach? I think it would be great to learn how to surf and be in the water.

6. Nashville, TN

Home of country music. :) 

7. New Orleans, LA

I've heard that the best part about New Oreleans is the food. I believe it. I want to go there to eat.

I think we're so blessed to live in such a great country! There's always so much to do and see. 

What are some of your favorite American cities? While growing up did your family take road trips? If so, where to?




  1. When you visit Boston let me know! We are right around the corner :)

  2. You picked so many great places! I would love to visit Savannah and Charlotte as well!

  3. great list!

    boston is on my list too :)

  4. I would love to go to all of these places! Let's go! :-)

  5. I'm with you girl!!! Wish I could go to Boston with you!
    The other cities I've been...they are fabulous! Love you dear sweetie!

  6. Dying to visit Savannah too! Oh and New Orleans, of course!


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