Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 11: Giving Time

I am so lucky to introduce you to my sweet friend Lauren from Life Love Lauren, who not only is a great blogging friend but a friend in real life! We were friends before I knew she had blog. It made it that more special. I hope you know that I love this girl because she helped me through one of the toughest times in my life and I will never be able to repay her back for her generosity. I'm so happy to have her participating in this project because this is one person who always shows true kindness.

Hello Happy Joyful Day readers! My name is Lauren and I blog at Life Love Lauren. I pretty much blog about my life, love, and other random things.

One of the things you will learn about me on my blog is that I am a nurse. Being a nurse has shown me how to be a better, more kind person.

One of my patients at work just recently had some bad luck. My patient, we will call him John will forever live in a long term unit. This is sad in and of itself since he is so young. He wanted to go on a trip to Wal-Mart and there was no room for medical transport to take him. John had gotten dressed in his smartest khakis and a polo for the occasion. This was big for John since he typically self isolates (due to depression) and stays in a hospital gown.

John tried to hide his feelings "said it was fine." Then he began balling to me. "I just wanted some clothes and some snacks!" That kind of balling a grown man does that just chills you to the bone.

I had call lights going, mountains of paperwork to do that day, but in that moment. I did nothing but sit there hugging him, letting him cry into my shoulder and stroking his hair.

All this guy wanted to do, the one thing that would make this guy happy would be one trip to Wal-Mart. How many of us dread that trip?

The next day I came back to work with some of John's favorite snacks. He could not believe what I did. He cried.

Snacks. A simple package of rice cakes, granola bars, and my company. This made John's day. This made my day.


We're all busy. We are going into the holiday season. Things will not get less busy, they will get more so. I cannot tell you how many people I know that dread the holiday season because of how crazy it can get. And yes, some of the frantic pace just can't be avoided. 

I work Christmas Eve and Christmas every year. I do because my husband and I don't have kids and one day I hope someone will work for me.

It gets hectic as you may imagine, lots of still sick people, an increase in families who run the scarce staff dry, and less resources.

But at the same time, there is something about slowing down and doing one thing at a time that is a kindness to ourselves and a kindness to those who we are with.

There is something amazing about choosing a few moments during the day and doing just one thing. Concentrating on that one thing and being present. For me, it was bringing my patient some of his favorite food and spending some time with him. It meant a lot to him and it meant a lot to me.

This holiday season I wish for all of you to have some time to be in the moment. The more you can focus on just one thing, the more you can hopefully worry less about all the things in your life that may be weighing on you. Take time for yourself. Take time for those you love. It is a better gift than anything material you could give them.

Thank you Lauren! It's something we can all think about. Time is such a precious gift and it always means more to someone to really "be there." Make sure you follow Lauren on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram

Who needs your time and attention today? 



  1. This is SO darn beautiful. It really is amazing how far kindness can go. I was at Trader Joes yesterday checking out, and I felt my sweet tooth raging. I grabbed a chocolate bar, knowing that I had already had sooo much candy and would probably regret it. I was walking to my car and saw a man holding a sign. I knew I should give him my chocolate bar, but ALMOST walked to my car instead. I ended up giving it to him, and had the sweetest conversation with him, his girlfriend and their sweet service dog. And added side note: no guilt after the chocolate bar. :)

    Kindness is contagious.

  2. Lauren- I love this! Just a few minutes of someone's time can really change a persons mood. It's so nice that you get to see the impact of how you giving time helps someone. What's great reminder that its the little acts of kindness that can make a difference.

  3. That's so awesome that such a small little action was able to make him feel loved! When you can bless someone in that way--you should! Sometimes it's hard to recognize the small opportunities we receive to be kind.

  4. I love Lauren and this was an awesome post. This is such a cool series you're doing. I keep reading from post to post and they're all so inspiring. Glad I found you!


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