Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 15: Simply Help

We can't help everyone, 
but everyone can help someone.

On Sunday night, I did my usual family phone calls. I spoke to my parents and then usually much later after talking to them, I call my younger brother (college late night hours). But this last Sunday, with my all day morning sickness, I called him earlier in the evening. It just so happened, that it was a good thing I had.

Mark was busy doing homework and had decided to take a mini break to talk to me. Soon enough, I figured out that he was stressing over his math homework. Now, take note, I do not do math. There's a reason why I majored in communication and only had a to do a small amount of math.

(excuse my mess please!)
That's where my husband, Kevin comes in. He saved the day by getting on a Google hangout and helping Mark finish his math homework (that was due the next day, of course) until midnight. Then, it was bedtime for everyone.

I love that my husband stepped in to help and you know what? He didn't even feel tired the next day after staying up so late. I think it had to do with the fact once they were done, Kevin had a huge smile on his face.

Who can you help today?



  1. Kevin does that all the time for my sisters. So grateful!

  2. LOVE this reminder! Amp voce! Preciso fazer mais servico mesmo :-)


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