Hello dears, I hope you are out enjoying the fall weather. We are sick indoors today at the Jones home trying to rest up and eat lots of chicken noodle soup. Today I have another amazing guest blogger for you. Amy from Creatrice Mondial has a beautiful travel blog. I love traveling and hope to one day travel to many of the places that Amy writes about! I find Paris Fashion Week, Paris like a local, Sweet Street Art to be a few of my favorite posts by Amy. You'll definitely have to take some time to head over and read her blog!
Now for her uplifting post on kindness.
I had a message the other day from an old friend. She is going to Paris with her man, and asked me for any tips I might have. “He really wants to know about the new and upcoming chefs,” she explained to me. Did I have any suggestions?
I am a traveler. This means I bounce around, a lot. While this lifestyle affords me the opportunity for new experiences on a fairly regular basis, what happens to the ones left behind? They are surely not forgotten. It might often seem that way, however, as new pictures are posted to social media and new people come into our lives.
I’m sure every single individual has noticed that as he or she grows older, certain faces long familiar become less so. People move, circumstances change, and you just end up losing touch. Sometimes it’s the natural progression of things, and other times we remember this person or people and think, “Hey, I wonder what so-and-so is doing? I really should send a message one of these days.” And then it is forgotten underneath the obligations of everyday life.
This friend who asked me about Paris, I had not spoken to her since September of 2010. Not by anyone’s fault, just because that’s how life goes. She’s moved, I moved several times, and life goes on. This doesn’t mean I wasn’t absolutely ecstatic to have her name pop up in my inbox. I was thrilled!
My point is, it rarely matters who the person is, or how long it’s been, hearing from an old friend always puts a smile on your face. And what better way to show kindness than to put a smile on someone’s face? So take that extra couple minutes, and get in touch. Maybe they’ll answer, maybe they won’t. But I can guarantee you’ll feel great. And who knows, maybe a friendship will be rekindled, in spite of time and distance and busy schedules. How fabulous is that?
This is so true! Like many of the guest posts, this is something that I should definitely be better at doing. Getting back in touch could be as easy as sending a text. To stay on top of Amy's amazing travels, make sure you follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
Who can you get back in touch with today? I promise, it will only be great.
P.S. Here's when I reached out to a friend that I hadn't seen since her wedding day. It was wonderful to see her.
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