Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 7: Be Generous

Hello dears! I hope you had a fabulous weekend. Continuing on with our 31 Days of Kindness project, I love this sweet post from Racquel who blogs over at How to make it in San Francisco. One thing we have in common, she's from the Philippines! I'm not sure that many of you know that I'm half Filipina. Sadly, I've never been to the Philippines but one day soon! It been so great to meet someone in the blogging world who shares my family's culture. :) I'm going to have to have her back guest posting about Filipino food. 

When we think of being generous, we think of donating to charity or helping out a friend in need. But today, try to push the boundaries of our generosity. 

Try to give away something that you need.  

Kind of radical, right?

It’s like that expression — giving someone the shirt off your back. I always loved that. It paints such a wonderful picture of kindness. 

While I don’t advocate we start giving away our homes or our jobs, there are many ways we can practice this type of generosity.

In the middle of a hectic week, you can give away some of your time to help someone with their hectic week. 

What about the quarters you carefully hoarded so that you could finally do the laundry this weekend? Is there someone else who needs that more than you right now?

When you’re on the bus and dead tired, but see someone who looks like they could use a seat, offer them yours. Buy your friend dinner even if you’re ridiculously broke, because they could really use some cheering up.

There’s something about that radical act of kindness that feels so right somehow. It uplifts the person on the receiving end, for sure. But it also uplifts the person who’s giving up something in so many ways. 

Try doing that today. Give away something you need. Give it to someone who needs it more. 

Thank you Racquel! I love her ideas. Please be sure to follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Yes, we can always find someone who needs it more. I remember once I really needed a new winter coat and one of my friends ended up giving me hers because it didn't fit her anymore. I still have this coat and wear it often! It was such a sweet gesture.

What's something that you can give today? 



  1. I wrote a post a few weeks back about doing small things with great love, a quote from Mother Teresa. I love your 31 days of kindness project!!

  2. Wow this post hit home for me today! I acted as a nurse's aide today instead of doing my own job during a crazy day! haha!


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