Thursday, December 5, 2013

Letters {with a side of pregnancy cravings}

Lovelies, I thought I would right letters today because my thoughts are always so mixed up these days! I guess it's what you'd call pregnancy brain. Ha! But I'm feeling pretty productive around my studio apartment lately, I'm in for what I'm guessing is the nesting stage. Tonight, I've got Christmas finger jello setting in the fridge for a party on Saturday, started cross-stitching a stocking for the little man in my stomach and I just need to hot glue my new Christmas banner onto some ribbon. We're decking the halls here Philly!

Dear Mr. Jones, You worked late almost every single night this week minus the one where you took me to the doctor. It's all because I wanted to go to New York tomorrow to see the city all decked out and to check out all the handmade goods in Union Square. Working overtime is just as hard as walking through the seven layers of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops and the Lincoln tunnel. Get ready for the crowds and some Christmas fun! Dear Mom, On Tuesday, I'll be in Utah! Looking forward to long late night chats and seeing cute nieces. Please be stocked with mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, pancakes, eggs, lots of juice, peppermint ice cream, chocolate sauce, milk, tomato soup, cheese, bread and anything else a crazy pregnant woman would crave. Plan on me getting up at 2 AM and making a small feast for two. Dear Little Man, 23 weeks next week :). Get ready for your first airplane ride and please don't cuddle up right next to my ribs. Daddy won't be there to put his hand on my stomach to make you move. Dear Kevin, Only because you love Christmas finger jello am I making it for Saturday's Ward Christmas party. My first attempt at your family's Christmas tradition is kinda looking like a color mixed up blob so far. Let's hope it tastes good!

What's your favorite Christmas movie? I have too many to name but Elf is definitely up on the top.


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