Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday Topics: Four things I learned outside of school

This is a great topic. The stuff you didn't learn in school . . .

They skip so much!

1. My love for music.

It started out when I was young. I'm sure it started when my parents brought me home from the hospital and back when my dad played the piano every evening. I remember begging him to teach me. I still beg him to teach me the songs that he wrote even though they're not on paper. I sometimes play the few notes that I do remember when I'm homesick.

My niece Aiden playing on the same piano that I learned to play on.
2. Live what you love (and forget about the rest).

When in school, all we think about is our grade. But in the end, it says nothing about who we are or what we were going through at the time. Some classes are harder and some we love. I have learned to live what I love and to stick with those strengths and make them stronger.

3. How to be a peacemaker.

Too often teachers miss the an important part of growing up and that is character building. From a young age, I realized that many of my extended members were spilt. When I was young, I sincerely tried to bring as many of  Even to this day, my parents will call me to figure out how so and so is doing in the family. I chose to become a peacemaker.

4. The importance of being real.

People in this world often try to change you to be someone who you are not. I've experienced this time and time again that people pretend to be someone they're not. It's fake, they're unhappy, it's not worth it. It really isn't.

from The Kinch Life
What important lessons have you learned that wasn't in school?

Happy Tuesday!


Life. Love.Lauren


  1. How neat that your dad has written songs and just plays them by memory! You NEED to get him to teach you so they can live on! :)
    ~Kassi @ Truly Lovely

  2. Good lessons! I love the second one. never thought of it that way before. Thanks! :)


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